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Short hair wants to grow longer?

Short hair wants to grow longer? 

According to the study, under normal conditions, hair grows about 0.44 per day, and is about 2 mm long for 3 days. The year is about 13.8 cm. This speed is really too slow. Sometimes when trying to fail a new hairstyle, I hope that the hair can grow up for remediation; or I want to keep my long hair and want to reach the target length quickly. In short, letting hair grow fast is the appeal of many girls. So, what are the coups to make your hair grow fast and healthy?

Vitamins and minerals

It plays an important role in the growth of hair. Any malnutrition can cause the hair to become thinner and even bald. Insufficient thyroid activity can cause hairiness and fragile hair, and on the contrary, it can make the hair shiny and supple. The basic concept is that your hair will reflect your physical condition. If you are healthy and nutritious, your hair will be backed up with sparkling light. Ingesting the right amino acids or the vitamin B group can promote the speed of growth gene circulation. Others such as B-6, vitamin H, inositol, or folic acid can help. In addition, some minerals, such as magnesium, sulfur, silica, zinc, etc., are very helpful for maintaining healthy hair. Carotene is also important for hair growth. This is because when the body needs it, it will be converted into vitamin A, which can maintain natural growth and bone development, and maintain the coverage of nerve fibers to enjoy healthy skin, hair and nails. Carotene can be ingested in green or yellow fruits and vegetables.

No need to be afraid of hair failure, hair growth is a coup

Protein is important

Since hair is a protein, protein deficiency caused by excessive weight loss can cause hair fragility or delay hair growth cycle. That's true. If you're rich in protein, you usually speed up your hair growth cycle. Some nutrition experts recommend that daily nutrient intake should include yeast, wheat germ, lecithin, etc. to enhance hair growth, toughness and beauty. Other foods that can be eaten are fish, eggs, beans, and yogurt. Soy protein has also been found to be beneficial for hair growth. One study found that soy not only helps to strengthen hair toughness but also grows. Tofu is the best food for soy.

Factors that hinder growth

Excessive stress and certain medications can hinder hair growth. If you are currently taking medicine for your physical condition, you still have to take the prescription according to the doctor's prescription. Warning: If you have medication now, be sure to consult your doctor before you start any new vitamins, minerals or herbal remedies. However, if you are facing a lot of pressure now, it is helpful to try to reduce the pressure. Try meditation or other relaxing methods to relieve stress in your life. Your hair will be very happy that you are doing this. Another secret to making hair healthy is rest and sleep. Studies have also found that it is necessary to allow hair to grow quickly and adequately (recommended 7-9 hours of sleep).

No need to be afraid of hair failure, hair growth is a coup

Hair growth tips

1, black sesame grinding: to the supermarket to buy unsweetened black sesame powder, one tablespoon a day. It is best to use sesame powder as a breakfast. After one month, the growth rate of the hair can be clearly found to be faster. However, it is not advisable to eat too much, otherwise it will cause constipation.

2, beer hair care: first wash the hair, dry, and then evenly spread the beer on the hair, and massage to make it penetrate the roots. After 10 minutes, wash with water, which not only makes the head shine, but also prevents the hair from drying off and promoting hair growth.

3, vinegar egg care: first add a little protein in the shampoo, mix thoroughly, shampoo, and gently massage the scalp. Hair Transplant In Lahore  Then wash, add a small amount of vinegar with fresh egg yolk, mix it thoroughly, apply it slowly along the hair, wrap it in a wet towel for 1 hour, then wash it with water. The hair is not only moisturized by vinegar but also absorbs the protein in the egg. The nutrition doubles and the growth rate naturally doubles!

4, often wash your hair: two different brands of shampoo alternate use. Regularly combing hair, hair can be combed upside down, helping the blood circulation and growth of the scalp, massaging the head or standing upside down or raising the legs against the wall, allowing the blood to accelerate to the head and promote hair growth.

5, the water can moisturize the massage head when swimming, often swim hair will grow particularly fast and dense.

6, to maintain good eating habits, not partial eclipse, can take more protein (such as: meat, liver, egg products, soybeans, yogurt, cheese, etc.), calcium, colloid (fish food) and Dark vegetable food.


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