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How to do a woman's hair loss

 How to do a Woman's Hair Loss

For the case of hair loss, how much is serious? Give the simplest standard, hair loss. In most of the reported articles, it is considered that in general, as long as no more than 100 hairs are lost every day, it is normal. If more than 100 hair loss per day, and more than two months, can basically confirm the hair loss.

What if the hair loss is very bad? The U-turn is very powerful, and many MMs who are in love with the United States are distressed. Wash your hair or comb your hair every day, and find that your hair is so bad that you are afraid of losing your hair. It is very distressing. How to solve this problem? The following 8 hair care tips will make you no longer lose your hair. Let's take a look.

What should I do if my hair is bad?

For the case of hair loss, how much is serious? Give the simplest standard, hair loss. In most of the reported articles, it is considered that in general, as long as no more than 100 hairs are lost every day, it is normal. If more than 100 hair loss per day, and more than two months, can basically confirm the hair loss. There are many reasons for hair loss, including congenital, hereditary, immune, chemical, seasonal and other reasons. In addition to genetic and pathological factors, Hair Transplant In Lahore  the current cause of dislocation is mainly mental stress, irregular work, and unhealthy diet.

Many diseases can cause people to lose hair and even hair loss. The treatment of the original disease will naturally solve the problem of hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia, hypothyroidism, scalp disease and fungal infections, lupus erythematosus, etc. are all diseases that cause hair loss.

2, Less toss hair

Hair combing and dyeing too often can easily damage hair and hair roots. The heat generated during hair dyeing, blowing and perming, and the chemicals used can cause the hair to break easily. Therefore, less hair, blowing hair with a low-grade hair dryer, less hair dye can help reduce the risk of hair loss.

3. Change lifestyle

If you lose hair, but have not yet reached the level of hair loss, in addition to uncontrollable factors such as individual differences, if you want to improve, try to adjust the lifestyle, such as stress, irregular work, unhealthy diet and so on. Still high pressure every day best hair transplant , not good to eat and sleep, that can not stop the hair.
The main component of hair is a kind of protein called surimi, which consists of protein and trace elements such as copper, iron and zinc. If it is dieting for excessive weight loss, these nutrients will be insufficiently consumed and hair will be malnourished. And shedding. Therefore, weight loss can not be excessive.

5. If it is hereditary

Professor Pamela Kakubowitz, a dermatologist at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York, said hereditary hair loss may have started since the age of 20. Hair loss genes may come from fathers or mothers. If both parents have hair loss, the risk of hair loss is even greater. If the diagnosis is genetic, then the scalp is applied twice daily with minoxidil (disabled during pregnancy and lactation), and male finasteride can also be taken orally. However, this is still used under the guidance of a doctor, do not use drugs.

8 strokes of care

1. According to the study, "the average growth rate of hair is about 1.5 centimeters a month." The hair stylist said: "If you want your hair to grow healthily, it is best to cut about 8 mm of hair every eight weeks." And her ultimate tip is "just cut off when you see the fork, but don't cut it long."

2, there are many reasons for hair loss, in addition to perm hair will cause damage to the hair, the chemical composition of hair dye and bleach will also damage the length and luster of the hair. If you want to change the color of your hair, use semi-permanent and temporary hair dyes, and it is best to choose the color that is closest to the hair's natural hair treatment color. If you dye your hair, you should also control the frequency. Frequent hair dyeing is very harmful to your hair.
3. How to care for long hair? When you have long hair, there is no need to spend too much care in the barber shop. Many people have tried coconut oil and have helped a lot with hair. Just put a few tablespoons of coconut oil in your palm and then smear it in the hair to the end. Wash them off after a few hours, or wash them overnight. The hair will be very smooth and shiny.

4. Choose to air dry after shampooing, because the high temperature of the hair dryer will damage the hair. When the hair is dry to 80%, apply a layer of thermal protection to the hair, then use a hair dryer and a round comb to manage the hair. Choose high-power hair dryers, those small hair dryers rely on high temperature to bake hair to dry the water, which is very harmful to the hair.

5, in order to avoid hurting healthy hair, we recommend to tie the hair at work, but do not tie too tight. In this way, the rubber band will protect the hair roots, and the forked hair tips can be found in time to be properly trimmed.

6. If your hair feels a little dry, try to wash as little as possible, don't worry that it will be too oily. Experts say that "the hair oil will provide enough nutrients to the old hair in the hair part," and experts suggest that you can comb the dry hair every day, so that the hair oil will be taken to the hair ends by the hairbrush.

7, not all girls are suitable for long hair, hair as soft as a baby can not grow very well, it is already very weak, so when this hair grows over the shoulder, it will appear very small. After the curling is done, the length of the hair will be shortened by half, so if you want long curly hair, your hair should be left in the waist.

8, silk or satin pillows can prevent long hair splitting. Silk has a much lower friction than cotton, and it contains amino acids that protect the skin and hair.

1. Supplement iron. People who often have hair loss often lack iron. Iron-rich foods include soybeans, black beans, eggs, octopus, shrimp, cooked peanuts, spinach, squid, bananas, carrots, and potatoes.

2. Supplement vegetable protein. Dry hair, split ends, you can eat soy, black sesame, corn and other foods.

3. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits with alkaline substances. One of the factors of hair loss and yellowing of hair is due to acidic toxins in the blood, due to physical and mental fatigue, long-term overeating of pure sugar and fatty foods, resulting in acid toxins in the body's metabolic process. Acids in foods such as liver, meat, and onions are prone to cause excessive acid toxins in the blood, so eat less.

4. Supplement iodine. The luster of the hair is related to the action of the thyroid gland. Iodine supplementation can enhance the secretion function of the thyroid gland and is beneficial to hair building. You can eat kelp, seaweed, oysters and other foods.

5. Supplement vitamin E. Vitamin E is resistant to hair aging, promotes cell division, and causes hair to grow. You can eat more fresh lettuce, cabbage, black sesame, and so on.

6,  Eat more black food such as black sesame, Polygonum, black beans, etc. to promote hair growth, often eat celery, parsley, broccoli to prevent hair loss.


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