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The 10 most common causes of hair loss are you pay attention?

The 10 most common causes of hair loss are you pay attention?

Everyone wants to have a thick hair, but modern people have a lot of work and life pressure, and hair loss and white discovery seem to be younger. The hair that is normally shed is the hair that is in the period of retreat and rest. Since the hair entering the degenerative period and the newly entering the growing period is constantly in dynamic balance, the normal amount of hair can be maintained.

If the hair is abnormal or excessively shedding, it is abnormal hair loss for many reasons. Both men and women are troubled by hair loss, but male pattern baldness makes men more distressed. The US health website RM Health recently wrote about 10 reasons for hair loss. Among the 10 reasons, there are hereditary, pathological, and bad habits that cause hair loss.

This article combines other materials to introduce the 10 most common causes of hair loss for readers' reference.

1. Genetic causes of hair loss

Male pattern baldness is an androgen-dependent hereditary hair loss, the most common type of baldness, more common in men.

This kind of hair loss is mainly at the top of the head. It starts from the hairline on both sides of the forehead. It also gradually expands from the top of the hair loss area. The hair is also gradually thin and slender, and the hair at the top of the head is mostly or completely shedding, but the pillow The hair on the back and on both sides of the crotch is horseshoe-shaped.

This kind of hair loss is mostly caused by the age of 20 to 30 years old, and there is a family tendency, and the fastest development is around 30 years old.

2. Drug effects cause hair loss

Many drugs can affect hormone balance, including those that treat blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and elevated cholesterol. Any medication that affects hormone production or regulation may cause hair loss and affect scalp health.

Contraceptives, androgen or estrogen replacement therapy, steroids, and adolescent acne medications can all have side effects. Antithyroid drugs, anticonvulsants, and beta-blockers may also cause patchy alopecia.

3. Alopecia areata causes hair loss

This is an autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune errors identify the invaders and attack the body's own tissues. The head has a round, elliptical, non-inflammatory, non-scarring sudden hair loss with a clear border and a smooth scalp in the hair loss area.

Neuropsychiatric factors are considered to be an important factor in causing such hair loss. Many cases have neuropsychiatric trauma before the onset, such as long-term anxiety, anxiety, sadness, nervousness and emotional upset. About 10% to 20% of cases of alopecia areata have a family history.

In Chinese medicine, alopecia areata is caused by liver and kidney deficiency and deficiency of blood. In treatment, you can take Yishenshengfa pills, nourish liver and kidney, nourish blood.

4. Vitamin or mineral deficiency leads to hair loss

Some unhealthy lifestyles and habits may result in insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins necessary for certain humans. If the body is deficient in iron, it has a direct impact on erythropoiesis. Reduced red blood cell production will cause hypoxia in the hair follicles and scalp, causing hair loss. In addition, vitamin B12 or protein deficiency can also cause normal hair breaks.

Female heads occur slowly, even become thin comb, may be suffering from iron deficiency anemia, that is, insufficient iron absorption or excessive loss of menstrual blood, affecting hair growth, and even hair loss.

5. Hypothyroidism leads to hair loss

The thyroid gland is a small gland located at the front of the neck and below the throat. The thyroid is important to the body, releasing a variety of hormones to regulate the body's metabolism.

Thyroid dysfunction is a common cause of a certain hormone secretion, which is caused by hair loss and formation of alopecia areata. Birth defects, autoimmune dysfunction, and thyroidectomy may result in hypothyroidism.

6. The hair is too tight and causes hair loss

For girls, tightening two twists seems to be pure and cute, but it may make you lose hair. This condition is called traction hair loss, which causes the hair to gradually fall off due to long-term tensioning of the hair, especially on the hairline.

This cause of hair loss has a greater impact on women, but because African men also close their hair into small scorpions, there is also a risk of hair loss.

7. Infection leads to hair loss

Many infections can cause hair loss, but the most invasive infection to the scalp and hair is paralysis. The head lice that are often said in science are caused by a fungal fungus called a dermatophyte.

If people have bad hygiene in their lives, it will cause the fungus to breed in warm and humid conditions. Prepubescent boys are more likely to cause such infections than girls, and adults are rare.

8. Pulling hair and causing hair loss

Hair licking refers to habitually pulling hair from the head or other parts of the body. It is unclear whether hair lice are classified as a habit or a compulsive disorder.

But this habit will produce alopecia areata over time. If you change this habit, the hair will grow again, but the hair will be pulled excessively for a long time, causing damage to the scalp and permanent hair loss in the affected area.

9. Hair loss is a rare condition of hair loss

Severe hair is a condition in which the hair is sparse or hairless after the youthful growth period. This condition is a disorder of human growth and development, and congenital disorders affect the development of the brain and thus affect hair growth and tooth development.

This disease is very rare, hair appears to fall off and the color is dark.

10. Chemotherapy causes hair loss

It is well known that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can cause hair to fall off a lot. This is because although chemotherapy can stop the madness of cancer cells to a certain extent, but because the cells in the hair follicles under normal conditions, the growth rate is no less than that of cancer cells, which is the cause of hair loss caused by chemotherapy.

Hair loss after chemotherapy may be gradual, or it may be rapid, but after the chemotherapy is stopped, the hair will grow.

How to maintain hair?

To make your hair shiny and dense, you need to take care of your daily life. First, avoid frequent hair dyeing or excessive use of hair styling products, so that the hair is reduced to contact with chemicals; secondly, swim caps should be worn during swimming to reduce the damage of chlorine in the pool water. After swimming, you can best treatment and hair transplant in lahore and treat your  thoroughly and wash away chemicals.

Best Clinic for hairs. when washing your hair, avoid using your nails to scratch the scalp and reduce the risk of bacterial infection caused by scratching the scalp. The correct way is to gently massage the scalp with your fingers. Plus daily grooming of the hair can also promote blood circulation of the scalp. Helps the growth of hair.


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