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Is hair loss kidney deficiency?

Is hair loss kidney deficiency?

When it comes to hair loss, will there be a image of a middle-aged man who is thankful in your mind? Is it natural to associate it with "kidney deficiency"? Indeed, Chinese medicine has a saying that "the kidney is the main bone, and its hair is growing." Whether the hair is shiny or not is related to the adequacy of kidney gas. The cause of hair loss is not limited to kidney deficiency. Today, we will introduce you to how Chinese medicine knows about hair loss.

How much hair is lost?

Hair is actually born every day, and life is endless. If the hair loss is less than 100 per day, it can basically be said to be physiological hair loss under normal metabolic state. Care must be taken when the number of hair loss per day exceeds 100.

When you feel that your hair is falling off, it is best to collect your own hair from the pillow, on the comb, and when washing your hair. If you lose more than 100 hair per day for 2-3 months or more, or In the past, when there was a significant increase in the number of inventions, it was necessary to ask a dermatologist in a formal medical institution for treatment.

Seborrheic alopecia

Seborrheic alopecia, Chinese medicine is called "hair loss hair loss", "hairpin", Western medicine is also known as androgenetic alopecia, male type hair loss. More common in men aged 20-30, starting from the forehead on either side of the forehead or at the top of the forehead, the hair is progressively sparse, soft, shedding, the forehead hairline is moved backwards, often accompanied by scalp itching, greasy, dandruff, etc. Performance, after several to decades, the hair on the forehead and top can be completely stripped. BestHair Transplant Surgeon In Pakistan

Mainly due to genetic factors and elevated concentrations of dihydroindanone (DHT) in the scalp. DHT is a metabolite of anthrone (T), which is induced by 5α-reductase. It binds to the androgen receptor in the scalp and enters the nucleus to control the hair growth process, shortens the hair growth cycle, and causes the hair follicles to undergo miniaturization (degeneration). The proportion of hair follicles in the growth and degeneration stages is reduced and degraded. It is difficult for hair follicles to grow hair again.

Hair loss level

The degree of hair loss in male androgenetic alopecia is currently classified by Hamilton classification (Hamilton-Norwood classification), which is divided into 7 grade 12 hair loss.

Level 1 is the hairline is completely normal or slightly moved backwards;

Level 2 performance showed a triangular posterior movement of the frontal sac, with a distance of 2 cm from the line of the external auditory canal;

Level 3 is more obvious in the frontal sacral hairline, more than 2 cm from the normal hairline of the external auditory canal; the third-grade variant is common in the elderly, and the head-to-head baldness with the frontal hairline is receding, the degree is not more than 3;

Level 4 is the top of the head hair loss with the middle of the hairline retreat, a bundle of thick hair separates the two areas;

Grade 5 forehead is more diffusely alopecia or bald, separating the hair band narrowing and hair density in these two areas;

Grade 6 is horseshoe-shaped hair loss, and the lateral and posterior hair loss areas increase;

Grade 7 is a serious form of male androgenetic alopecia. In addition to horseshoe-shaped hair loss, hair loss occurs in the periorbital and occipital regions.

Among them, grades 2 to 5 belong to mild to moderate alopecia. Since the hair follicles have not completely atrophied, the treatment still has the chance to recover. Grade 6 or above is severe alopecia, and most of the hair follicles have shrunk. At this time, the treatment is difficult to obtain satisfactory. effect.

Individual serum androgen levels are different, and are also age-related, generally decreasing with age, and also related to mental factors and living conditions before the patient is tested. The occurrence of androgenetic alopecia is mainly related to the level of androgen in the scalp, especially the level of indanone. Serum androgen levels are not associated with the severity of hair loss, but may be related to the progression of hair loss. Therefore, the higher the level of androgen, the more serious the hair loss.

Treatment of hair loss

Oral administration of finasteride and topical minoxidil is preferred for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

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The most modern method of hair implantation and Fue hair transplant in Lahore have tendency to prevail its invasive effects worldwide in highly effective. Minoxidil is a potassium ion channel opener. The exact mechanism of promoting hair growth is not clear. It may be related to its ability to dilate scalp blood vessels, improve microcirculation around hair follicles, increase blood flow to the skin, and promote hair follicle epithelium. Cell proliferation and differentiation.

Patients with mild hair loss can be treated with oral 1 mg/d finasteride and/or topical 2% to 5% minoxidil solution. Patients with moderate or severe alopecia are recommended for combination therapy. Hair transplantation is suitable for patients who are not satisfied with the drug treatment effect and who have a strong willingness to improve hair loss. It can also be combined with drug therapy to enhance the therapeutic effect. The key to the treatment of androgenetic alopecia is early diagnosis and early treatment. The hair follicles with mild and moderate alopecia are not completely atrophied, and the treatment effect is better.

Prevention of hair loss

Nowadays, the trend of young hair loss has become more and more obvious. Men aged 20-40 have become the main force of hair loss. Among them, male pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss, accounting for more than 95% of all hair loss patients in men. It is imperative to treat hair loss. The cure for the disease is to ask for the right medicine, so the first task is to understand the "sickness".

1. Reasonable meal

Reduce the intake of greasy, sugary foods and spicy and irritating foods. Vitamins, proteins and trace elements can promote hair growth, so a balanced diet is especially important, such as eating more foods rich in vitamin A, such as Carrots, animal livers, fish, etc., can promote normal keratinization of the epithelium; foods rich in vitamin B, especially vitamins B2 and B6, such as spinach, potatoes, fish, animal liver, dairy products, beans, etc.; and fish, shrimp Soybeans, eggs, lean meat and other foods rich in protein; and seaweeds and shellfish rich in trace elements can not only prevent hair loss, but also health benefits.

2, adequate sleep

The best time to sleep is from 11pm to 6am. The most vigorous period of hair metabolism is mainly at night, especially from 10:00 to 2:00 in the evening. During this period of time, there is sufficient sleep to make the hair undergo normal metabolism. Conversely, hair metabolism and nutrition lose balance and cause hair loss. At the same time, adequate sleep can relax the body, reduce the stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, prevent the occurrence of endocrine disorders, and thus prevent hair loss.

3, work and rest

The psychological burden is large, the mental state is unstable, and long-term anxiety can lead to hair loss. Therefore, we should learn to combine work and rest. In addition to busy work, regular exercise can eliminate fatigue, relax the spirit, maintain a happy mood, and regulate endocrine regulation at a normal level, thus inhibiting the occurrence of hair loss.

4, scalp massage

Before going to bed every day, press the scalp with the end of the fingers of both hands and ten fingers. From the beginning of the hair, massage to the top of the head and then the back of the occiput, cycle several times, and feel the scalp is slightly warm. It can increase blood circulation around the hair follicle.

5, keep your hair clean

Seborrheic alopecia occurs mostly in oily hair. The secretion of sebum from the scalp is excessively accumulated around the hair follicle, inhibiting hair growth and causing hair follicle damage and atrophy.

According to your hair condition, it is very important to choose a proper cleaning and hair care agent and wash it regularly. Shampoo should use warm water of about 40 degrees. It is preferred to use a shampoo having a pH of about 5. The shampoo should be rinsed off. When washing your hair, do not vigorously rub it, otherwise the hair rubbing between the hair will damage the hair scales, but you should gently massage with the fingertips to promote the cleansing of the scalp hair and promote the scalp capillary blood. Circulation, improve the nutritional status of the hair nipples in the hair follicles, make the hair more nutritious, and promote hair growth.


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