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how can improve Mother's Hair Loss best health tips

Mother's  hair loss, may wish to improve the diet to improve

Postpartum hair loss is caused by a high concentration of estrogen in the blood, the hairline becomes super-obvious, and the top of the head is obviously sparse. It is the most terrible nightmare that every mother encounters. What can be improved after postpartum hair loss? Let's start with diet conditioning to improve the problem!
Chinese medicine believes that hair loss is kidney deficiency

Traditional medicine often talks about "the kidney is in the essence, its Hua is in the hair", "the liver is in the blood, and it is released into the blood." If the "kidney is not enough", the hair is easy to lose luster and it is easier to lose hair. the best treatment is PRP Treatment in lahore Center.  Eat more black food to supplement the kidney essence, which will avoid the problem of white hair and black hair.

• Black food: black beans, black sesame seeds, purple rice, kelp, black dates, black fungus.

• Red food: red dates, red beans, red coix seed, beef.

Nutritional perspective to improve postpartum hair nutrients

Want to slow postpartum hair loss, speed up hair growth, and have healthy hair, 7 big hair food to eat good hair

1 Protein

Protein is the main component of every hair, such as protein deficiency, hair growth will rest.

Protein food: eggs, chicken breast, soy, tofu, milk, shrimp, spinach.

2 Iron

If the oxygen delivery is insufficient, the hair follicles will have a chance to wither and no new hair.

Iron food: liver, oysters, soybeans, rice, oats, rye, figs, almonds, potatoes, meat (cattle, pig, chicken, fish), eggs, whole wheat bread, carrots, pumpkin, dried dates.

3 Vitamin E

Moisturizes hair and scalp, prevents sebum oxidation, and makes each hair soft and healthy.

Vitamin E food: palm oil, nuts, fish, peanut butter, lettuce, cabbage, mayonnaise, butter.

4 Vitamin H (biotin)

It has excellent anti-oxidation function, can remove active oxygen free radicals generated from fat oxidation process, protect hair from damage and protect hair follicle cells from regeneration.

Vitamin H food: stone fruit, fruit, beef liver, egg yolk, kidney, brown rice.

5 Vitamin C

It can make nutrients reach the hair roots smoothly, so that the hair can fully obtain nutrients.

Vitamin C food: cherry, green vegetables, guava, papaya, strawberry

6 Zinc

If the intake of zinc is insufficient, it will fall off and even the eyelashes will fall. The cells that build the hair need zinc to work hard.

Zinc food: shrimp, animal liver, red meat, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, milk.

7 Collagen

Collagen is very important to the hair because it surrounds the surface of the hair. Collagen has the ability to repair and protect against severely damaged hair cost of hair Transplant.


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