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Hair Transplant Surgery Benefits and Risks

Not everyone is suitable for "hair transplant": the benefits and risks that should be known before surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic surgery that has gradually increased in both men and women in recent years. Why do people who want to transplant hair become more? The increase in the ratio of male and female baldness to abnormal hair loss is mainly related to the higher demand for external appearance. Many people are very concerned about the price of hair transplant, but the price is important, but in fact, the most important thing is to understand the principle of hair transplant surgery, and find the right doctor to complete the correct assessment. The final key is the surgeon's own surgical skills and the whole operation. The maturity of the team. After all, medical aesthetics is over-commercialized. It is difficult for the general public in the market to know that it is incorrect. The MedPartner team doctors will fully explain the principles of chance of hair transplant surgery in this article, and explain the relevant advantages and risks. Help all friends who want to grow their hair to have a clear understanding before surgery, and will not be deceived by unscrupulous practitioners.

The principle of hair transplant surgery is not complicated. It is mainly a hair follicle that shrinks the back occipital without being affected by male hormones. It is transplanted to the forehead or the top hair loss area by surgery. It is a kind of redistribution of the existing hair. The concept of letting the hair loss area re-own the hair follicle, can grow hair again. Since the posterior occipital hair follicles are not affected by male hormones, the hair transplanted from the posterior occipital region to other male bald areas can survive for a long time and will not be dropped by male hormones. Therefore, the satisfaction of male patients with baldness after the hair transplant is usually quite high, because the hairline that has been continuously retreated is saved, and it will not fall again after the treatment with the doctor. Although hair transplant surgery usually has a significant effect on improving appearance, it is not suitable for everyone. A complete evaluation should be performed before considering surgery.

Who is suitable for hair transplant surgery? Complete assessment of benefits and risks before surgery
Many patients who come to the hospital for clinical procedures may have tried oral or topical hair growth medications before the actual surgery. At present, the empirically effective oral drug is 1 mg of Finasteride once a day (common trade name: soft gelatin), and the topical drug is 5% of Minoxidil wiped twice a day (common trade name: external use of hair growth). However, whether it is oral or topical, it can only prevent the hair follicles that have not completely shrunk to continue to degenerate, but it is impossible to grow hair in the place where the hair follicles have died. Translating into vernacular means that if the hair is only in the stage of thinning and weakening, oral and topical medicine can make the hair grow thicker, become healthy, and make the hairline slow down, but if it is already hair follicles When the death turns into a bald area, the drug has no effect.

Therefore, if the patient wants to significantly improve the appearance, let the retreating hairline go back to the younger look, or let the hair volume of the top of the head spin up again, and now only by the hair transplant surgery can be significantly improved. It is also worth mentioning that, whether it is topical or oral medication, the improvement effect on the head hair loss is more significant. In contrast, the improvement of the hair loss of the forehead will be relatively poor.
Although most of the hair transplants can significantly improve the appearance of the patient, it is not suitable for everyone. The most clinically most common patients undergoing implant surgery have the following categories:

Male with male baldness, receding hairline or sparse head
Women with sparse hair or sparse hair in some areas
Men and women who wish to achieve a beautiful effect through hair transplant surgery (planting horns, eyebrows, hairline decoration, etc.)
Especially in the US type of surgery, it is more necessary to plant the hair in the direction, angle, and thickness of the hair, as much as possible, similar to the hair originally in the area, in order to look natural after surgery. Since the hair grown is permanent, it can solve the problem of sparse eyebrows and beards with corners once and for all. Although most people with the above problems can perform the operation, the doctor must consult the patient before discussing whether to perform the operation. Usually the physician will pay the following attention to the following matters:

Patient's age
Family genetic history of the patient
Patient response to oral and medical treatment
Patient's expectation of surgical outcome and the degree of postoperative care
Patients who have had a large number of hair loss before the age of 25 are usually accompanied by a strong genetic history of male and female families. The doctor will ask the patient's father, grandfather, grandfather, and sputum for a hair condition to see if the patient has a strong family history. If the patient has a serious family history, the doctor usually recommends using the drug for half a year or a year, without having to rush. If oral and topical medications are used to achieve control or improvement, then hair transplants are a good option, representing a relatively good chance for patients to sustain the hair transplant.

Conversely, if there is still no way to reduce hair loss under the control of oral and topical drugs, then careful consideration should be given to whether surgery is required. Because patients with poor response to drugs, in addition to the area of ​​hair transplant after the hair transplant will not continue to fall, other parts may continue to fall, this is not necessarily the result of the patient. Physicians will determine the number and extent of hair transplants based on the response of the drug, and at the same time assess whether a second implant may be needed.

Finally, it is necessary to confirm the patient's degree of cooperation with postoperative care, especially the willingness to continue to cooperate with oral medication after surgery. Studies have shown that the effect of oral medications on postoperative hair transplant results is very significant, if you can fully take the drug, you can retain hair significantly higher than patients who do not take drugs or take only placebo. In addition, it can be observed clinically that patients with oral medications are usually thicker and healthier.

In addition to the above considerations, the following are common situations that are not suitable for hair transplant surgery:

Widely distributed throughout the head, showing an average sparse state (so there is no way to fill the sparse zone from the dense zone)
Lack of hair for transplantation in the donor area (rear occipital area)
Crab foot swelling patients (worried about the appearance of postoperative crab foot swelling)
The patient's hair loss is due to chemotherapy or other special causes (may not be able to maintain hair transplant results)
If the patient is considered to be suitable for a hair transplant after the evaluation, don't forget that although this is a "non-essential" cosmetic surgery, the doctor should still complete the consultation and let the patient get enough information before making a decision. Usually the physician must first discuss with the patient and provide the following information:

Where is the most concerned bald or hair loss area?

Provide all possible methods of hair loss treatment, as well as related benefits and risks
Provide reasonable post-treatment photos for patient reference
Otherwise, it costs a lot of money, but the results of the surgery are too different from expectations, which is often a major factor in medical disputes. No doctor will hope that the operation will fail. However, under the condition of over-commercialization of medical beauty, some unscrupulous people will over-exaggerate the treatment results. Complete communication before surgery is the most important step to avoid medical disputes.
Distribution is a seemingly repetitive but very critical step. Whether it is through the FUT or FUE hair follicles, the damaged hair follicles must be removed by the expert's skill, and the hair follicles to be implanted are carefully repaired to remove the excess tissue to ensure the physician's final hair transplant process. Have the highest survival rate. In addition, if the time of leaving the human body is too long, the chance of survival of the hair follicle will decrease, so the distribution is not only in the finer, but also in the speed. Professional hair transplant teams even use high-powered microscopes for distribution. Although the distribution experts are not physicians, best physician and hair Transplant in Peshawar you can search. their experience and skills are also the key to the success of the surgery. The picture below is the process of distributing the distribution technician.

The hair is the moment of the physician's beauty and the complete presentation of the technology. In addition to the survival rate of the sputum, the hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery, the focus is not only to grow the hair, but whether it can achieve the expected beauty standard after surgery, is the key to surgery. To achieve the same visual effect in different areas, the required planting density will vary. In addition, the shape of the hairline, as well as the direction and angle of hair growth, can affect the patient's postoperative satisfaction. The picture below is actually the process of seeding.
What happens to hair after hair transplant? How to take care after surgery?
The hair follicles after hair transplantation will be long, but one month after the operation, they gradually enter the rest period of the hair follicles and then fall off. At this time, patients are often very worried, because every hair that is planted is money ah ~ seeing so many hairs are gradually falling, the mood will definitely be very nervous. But usually after 3 to 4 months, the surviving hair follicles will enter the growing season and gradually grow at a rate of one centimeter per month. However, sometimes a small part of the hair follicle enters the inactive period of the sputum. It does not grow or fall off. It may last for 3 to 4 months to maintain this unsatisfactory condition. But then these inactive hair follicles will also enter the rest period and re-enter the hair during the growing season.

The hair that just grows may look thinner and thinner, but this is normal. After a while, the hair will slowly become thicker and longer. Usually one year after surgery, the exact results of the hair transplant can be seen, that is, the time to accept the results of the surgery! The best surgical results are usually determined within a year and a half after surgery. After the operation, as long as the wound care is carried out according to the instructions of the doctor, the chance of inflammation and infection is very low. The most important thing is to continue oral medication with the doctor's advice after surgery to ensure the outcome of the operation.


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