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Five most common hair problems

Five most common hair problems


Experts say that iron supplementation can help to improve the symptoms of anemia. Lack of vitamin C, intake of caffeine or alcoholic beverages are not conducive to iron absorption. It is recommended to drink juice and eat iron-rich foods to restore hair growth.

2. Eating disorders

Reducing food intake can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the scalp, which in turn affects the normal growth of the hair. In severe cases, it can cause the hair to lose its luster or even fall off. Experts say that hair loss is rarely permanent, but maintaining a balanced diet and eating more protein is critical to preventing hair loss. Hair is made up of protein. When the hair follicle protein is at its lowest value, it is especially important to take more protein (especially breakfast). In addition, the diet should be rich in vitamins (especially B vitamins), zinc and important fatty acids.

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are caused by high androgen, and the symptoms of hair thinning occur on the forehead and the top of the head. Most of this happens in patients with a family history of hair loss. Experts say that the patient has lost hair on his head, but his face and body hair will grow wild. Drugs that reduce androgen and scalp massage that promote blood flow all contribute to the health of the patient's hair growth.

4. Thyroid disease

The first symptom of thyroid dysfunction is hair loss. Excessive or too little thyroid hormone can affect metabolism and normal hair growth. Since all hair follicles are affected, hair loss is not a local phenomenon. Experts say that drugs and other treatments can help alleviate the disease. In order to restore the hair to the original, it is best to take more protein and make a head massage every morning.

5. Pressure syndrome

Stress will cause Huafa to live early. When the pressure is high, the body releases a variety of hormones, which will affect the absorption of B vitamins and affect hair pigmentation. Stress syndrome can lead to alopecia -- the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the scalp cells, causing large pieces of hair to fall off. Psychological relaxation and taking multivitamin B can improve the problem of early gray hair.

Health tips, health from the hair

Poor gloss may be hypothyroidism

If the original thick and moist hair becomes thin and soft and loses its luster, you can first check if you are exposed to substances that may damage your hair, such as swimming in a hypochlorinated swimming pool, perming hair, etc. . After excluding these factors, poor hair gloss may indicate hypothyroidism and slower metabolism. If accompanied by sudden weight gain, unexplained fatigue, cold, etc., it is even more important to be alert to hypothyroidism. It is recommended to detect thyroid function in time.

Large amount of dandruff immune damage

Normal dandruff is easily removed by daily maintenance methods such as anti-dandruff shampoo and shampoo. However, if the dandruff becomes thicker and harder and accumulates like a shed skin, be aware of any immune system diseases. For example, psoriasis (commonly known as "psoriasis"), it will make the superficial skin hyperplasia and accelerate the shedding. In addition, similar problems can occur in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.

Hair loss is too much stress

Ordinary people lose about 100 to 300 hairs per day, and this shedding does not cause the hair to become thinner. However, if the hair is obviously thin, or there is a large amount of falling off the block, it is necessary to pay attention. Excessive stress is the most common cause of hair loss, such as unemployment, marital crisis, etc. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary tumors and other diseases that may cause hormone imbalance, taking certain drugs (such as birth control pills, antidepressants, etc.) may also cause hair loss.

Hair becomes brittle and malnourished

Hair is dry, brittle, or severely bifurcated, and it is a healthy signal that needs attention. Since hair is mainly composed of keratin, this may mean that your body does not have enough protein or excess nutrients, and you need to replenish it in time. In addition, the lack of certain vitamins, hypothyroidism, renal insufficiency, etc., may also cause hair to be undernourished and become fragile and vulnerable. In severe cases, it is best to consult a doctor.

On the one hand, hair loss is the reason for the above. In fact, how long does it take to wash your hair?

Wash your hair a few days the most healthy

 medicine advice:

1. It is best to wash your head three to four times a week. Washing your hair every day not only does not protect your hair, it can also cause damage to your hair. Because shampooing will wash away the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands, so that the scalp and hair lose the natural protective film, but it is not good for the health of the hair.

2, people who work outdoors for a long time and mental workers, you can increase the number of shampooing, in addition to regular combing, to promote blood circulation.

In general, it is best not to wash your hair before going to sleep. If you want PRP Treatment Center In Lahoreto wash, dry it with a dry towel, then use the air tube to dry your hair before you sleep. This way, you won't catch a cold. When the hair is not dry, it falls asleep and is easy to catch a cold.

Western medicine advice:

1, it is best to wash once every other day, this is more scientific. If it is winter, you can relax for a day.

2, some people who do special work, due to hygiene requirements, still have to insist on washing their hair every day. But no matter who you clean, you should pay attention to the choice of shampoo when cleaning the head, avoid using alkaline shampoo, it is best to add conditioner.

The tangled hair can be combed open, combed slowly from the end of the hair, and then combed from the root to the end. Even the head can be turned down and combed from the head of the head to make the hair smooth and improve blood circulation. , do cleaning work to get twice the result with half the effort!

Shampoo is like skin care. It must be done from the basic cleaning work. The complete cleaning work can remove the substances that hinder the absorption of nutrients, and the subsequent nourishing action can be effectively absorbed.

First, put the shampoo on the palm of your hand, apply it to the hair after blistering, wash it from the hair root to the end of the hair, and let the hair hang down naturally. Use your fingertips to gently massage the scalp, back and forth two or three times. Rinse slowly with flowing mild water. Do not use too hot hot water, which will cause excessive dryness of the scalp.

Hair conditioner has a repairing function, can repair damaged hair, and insulate ultraviolet rays. Do not exceed three times a week. From scalp to hair tip, break into all parts of hair and rinse with water. After washing, use a wide-toothed comb to comb from the head to the end of the hair, and wrap the head with a towel to allow the moisturizing ingredients of the conditioner to fully play.

Why do people lose their hair?

Hair has its own lifespan, grows to a certain length, and its life is over. It is old and dead, and it will naturally fall off. This is a normal phenomenon. Hair loss in this case is available to anyone, and it is often.

Abnormal hair loss is due to the influence of hair growth. The growth of hair requires nutrition, and nutrition is transported by blood. If a person is sick for a long time, his body is weak, his blood is not enough, his body is poorly nutritious, and his hair will fall short due to lack of nutrition and poor growth. Such people are prone to losing hair and losing more. After having a serious illness in your life, the hair may have fallen off, which may be the reason.

People use excessive brains, or often have a lot of trouble, boredom, or something, the spirit is too tight, the brain is greatly stimulated, and sometimes it also affects the supply and growth of hair nutrition. Because all activities of the human body are brain tubes, the brain is stimulated, the activity is chaotic, and it cannot function normally. It is necessary to stimulate the body's nutrition and cause hair loss. Some people encounter something too excited, the brain is strongly stimulated, the spirit is very abnormal, sometimes the hair on the head is taken off overnight, people say that it is "ghost shaving", in fact, it is so Lost.

Hair growth originally has a cycle of growth and aging, and natural physiological hair loss actually occurs every day. But there are also some hair loss caused by morbid factors. For young people, the more common is the round baldness, also known as the “ghost shaving”. This is a kind of pressure, emotion, which causes a hair in a block of a scalp to suddenly enter the end of growth and suddenly fall out. In this type of condition, the hair can resume growth within three to five months after treatment.

The reason for hair loss is related to nutrition. It is also related to mental stress or sudden mental stimulation. You can check blood trace elements, and you should not always be in a state of mental stress. You can often use ginger to wipe the hair in the place where the hair is lost, which can promote hair growth, diet and nutrition should be comprehensive, eat more hard shell food, eat some black sesame seeds properly!

enough sleep

Sufficient sleep can promote the normal metabolism of skin and hair, and the metabolic period is mainly at night, especially between 10 pm and 2 am. During this period of sleep, the normal metabolism of hair can be achieved. Conversely, hair metabolism and nutrients are out of balance and will cause hair loss.

Recommendation: Try to sleep for no less than 6 hours a day, and develop a habit of regular sleep. Pay attention to diet and nutrition, eat foods rich in protein and trace elements, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy and sugary foods.

Avoid excessive damage

Hair dyeing, perming and hair blowing will cause certain damage to the hair; hair dye and perm solution will have a greater impact on the hair. If the number of times is too high, the hair will lose its luster and elasticity, and even yellow and dry; the ultraviolet rays in sunlight will Damage to the hair causes the hair to turn dry and yellow; the warm and humid air and cold air of the air conditioner can cause hair loss and white hair. The air is too dry or the humidity is too high to protect the hair.

Recommendation: Hair dyeing and perm interval should be at least 3-6 months. In the summer, avoid sun exposure, and pay more attention to protection during swimming and sunbathing.

Shampoo and comb

It can be 3 to 7 times a week in the summer and 1 to 3 times a week in the winter. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C when washing the hair, and it is close to the body temperature of 37 °C. Do not use strong degreasing or alkaline shampoos, because these shampoos are very strong in degreasing and dehydrating, easy to dry hair and scalp necrosis.

Recommendation: Use an acid-free natural shampoo that is non-irritating to the scalp and hair, or use it according to your hair. Instead of a plastic comb, it is best to use a boxwood comb and a bristle brush to remove dandruff and massage the scalp to promote blood circulation.

Maintain mental health

Anxiety every day can lead to hair loss, the deeper the degree of depression, the faster the rate of hair loss.

Recommendation: For women, keeping the proper amount of exercise, the hair will be black and full of vitality. Men often take deep breaths, walks, and do gymnastics to eliminate mental fatigue on the day.

In addition, the pets in the family are prone to mold infections. If you like to sleep with the pets, it is easy to cause scalp infection, red, itchy, desquamation and hair loss. In addition, there is a fat that occurs in the scalp. Leaky dermatitis, symptoms similar to head lice, but no hair loss.

In fact, it may be male baldness. I want to know if my hair is falling a lot. There is a very simple "pull hair experiment"; people can gently pull their hair six or eight times, and then look at each pull down. There are more than three hairs. If there is, it means that the hair follicles are relatively fragile and should be paid more attention.

Hair loss must be diagnosed by pathological or physiological factors. If you are worried about health problems, it is best to ask a professional dermatologist to help diagnose. If your scalp is greasy, it is recommended to use a refreshing shampoo. Improve hair quality.

The main symptoms of hair loss are greasy hair, like rubbing oil, but also scorching, lack of luster, light yellow scales fixed difficult to remove, or gray scales flying, consciously itching. If the male is hair loss, mainly the front and the top of the head, the forehead's hairline and horns move up, the hair on the front and top is sparse, yellow, soft, and finally the top of the forehead is bare or some hair; the female hair loss at the top of the head The hair becomes sparse, but it does not fall off completely.

Chinese medicine believes that this disease has two reasons: First, blood heat and wind dryness, blood heat is partial, blood damage is irritated, blood and tiger are windy, and it is more yin and blood. Yin blood can't go up to the top of the dome to raise hair roots, hair roots dry up, or The spleen and stomach are damp and hot, the spleen is weak and the spleen is weak, and the gluten is rich and fat, and the stomach is damaged by the spleen, causing steaming and sputum on the damp heat, eroding the hair roots, the hair roots are gradually corroded, and the hair is sticky and falling off. .

Method of preventing hair loss

1: prevent baldness from combing in the morning and evening

Do you have a habit of combing your hair very well in the morning and evening? Each morning and evening, each hair is combed a hundred times, which can stimulate the scalp to improve the ventilation between the hair. Since the scalp is a place that is prone to sweating, diligent combing may help prevent baldness and dandruff. It is best for us to spend a little thought on our hair to keep our hair moist.

2: Prevent baldness - change the direction of the comb

If the direction of the hair is kept the same, the place where the hair is sewn apart will be particularly dry or thinned due to the often exposed sunlight. If the separate areas begin to thin, massage the hair and moisturize the already dried scalp. Sometimes you can change the direction of separation, not only can enjoy the hair style, but also can avoid the dryness of the separation, which leads to the trouble of baldness.

It is best for people with thin hair to perform head massage because people with thin hair or bald heads are better at head massage and promote blood circulation. Massage can soften hair, increase metabolism and promote hair growth. The method of massage is to rub your fingers or tighten your hair. Before the massage, rub the oil on the scalp to improve the effect. Outside, using a brush made of a brush, pats the scalp at a right angle every day.

3: Method of treating thin hair

People with acidic constitution, or lack of certain nutrients and calcium in the body, are always weak and thin. Such people should eat more tender kelp buds, kelp, cheese, milk, raw vegetables and so on. At the same time, the scalp is massaged every day to stimulate the scalp and promote blood circulation.

4: shampoo and massage to prevent hair loss

When the blood circulation in the head is poor, hair loss occurs. To prevent hair loss, keep the hair roots clean. Shampoo should be washed with a weak acid shampoo (do not use excessive amount). After the silk is finished, apply a little water to shrink the hair roots. Usually you need to apply hair or hair oil on the scalp, massage and stimulate.

5: Treatment of hair loss food

Excessive intake of sugar and salt or animal fat is harmful to the circulation of blood. Such people should drink plenty of water or eat more vegetables. Foods rich in iron, lean meat, egg protein, spinach, cabbage, celery, fruit, etc. are the best therapeutic foods. For people with hair loss or baldness, the scalp has hardened. The above food helps to soften the scalp

How to prevent hair loss in autumn and winter?

There are many reasons for hair loss. The most common is seasonal hair loss. In the whole year, the hair loss in autumn is the most serious. Hair loss has a relationship with heredity, endocrine, infection, autoimmune function, mental factors and nutritional status. For example, the hair loss on the head of the middle-aged and the elderly is caused by the hot and steamed erosion of the hair roots caused by eating greasy spicy food. Hair loss caused by kidney deficiency is more common in frail elderly people, with dry hair and a lot of shedding. The following measures should be taken in the fall to prevent or reduce hair loss.

1. First of all, pay attention to supplement nutrition

Eat more minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins A, B, C and foods containing more protein, such as fish, soybeans, eggs, lean meat, etc., rich in protein, and seaweeds rich in trace elements. Shellfish, vitamin B2, B6, spinach, asparagus, banana, pig liver, etc. are good for protecting hair and delaying aging. Keeping the stool smooth is beneficial to normal hair growth.Anemia

Experts say that iron supplementation can help to improve the symptoms of anemia. Lack of vitamin C, intake of caffeine or alcoholic beverages are not conducive to iron absorption. It is recommended to drink juice and eat iron-rich foods to restore hair growth.

2. Eating disorders

Reducing food intake can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the scalp, which in turn affects the normal growth of the hair. In severe cases, it can cause the hair to lose its luster or even fall off. Experts say that hair loss is rarely permanent, but maintaining a balanced diet and eating more protein is critical to preventing hair loss. Hair is made up of protein. When the hair follicle protein is at its lowest value, it is especially important to take more protein (especially breakfast). In addition, the diet should be rich in vitamins (especially B vitamins), zinc and important fatty acids.

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are caused by high androgen, and the symptoms of hair thinning occur on the forehead and the top of the head. Most of this happens in patients with a family history of hair loss. Experts say that the patient has lost hair on his head, but his face and body hair will grow wild. Drugs that reduce androgen and scalp massage that promote blood flow all contribute to the health of the patient's hair growth.

4. Thyroid disease

The first symptom of thyroid dysfunction is hair loss. Excessive or too little thyroid hormone can affect metabolism and normal hair growth. Since all hair follicles are affected, hair loss is not a local phenomenon. Experts say that drugs and other treatments can help alleviate the disease. In order to restore the hair to the original, it is best to take more protein and make a head massage every morning.

5. Pressure syndrome

Stress will cause Huafa to live early. When the pressure is high, the body releases a variety of hormones, which will affect the absorption of B vitamins and affect hair pigmentation. Stress syndrome can lead to alopecia -- the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the scalp cells, causing large pieces of hair to fall off. Psychological relaxation and taking multivitamin B can improve the problem of early gray hair.

Health tips, health from the hair

Poor gloss may be hypothyroidism

If the original thick and moist hair becomes thin and soft and loses its luster, you can first check if you are exposed to substances that may damage your hair, such as swimming in a hypochlorinated swimming pool, perming hair, etc. . After excluding these factors, poor hair gloss may indicate hypothyroidism and slower metabolism. If accompanied by sudden weight gain, unexplained fatigue, cold, etc., it is even more important to be alert to hypothyroidism. It is recommended to detect thyroid function in time.

Large amount of dandruff immune damage

Normal dandruff is easily removed by daily maintenance methods such as anti-dandruff shampoo and shampoo. However, if the dandruff becomes thicker and harder and accumulates like a shed skin, be aware of any immune system diseases. For example, psoriasis (commonly known as "psoriasis"), it will make the superficial skin hyperplasia and accelerate the shedding. In addition, similar problems can occur in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.

Hair loss is too much stress

Ordinary people lose about 100 to 300 hairs per day, and this shedding does not cause the hair to become thinner. However, if the hair is obviously thin, or there is a large amount of falling off the block, it is necessary to pay attention. Excessive stress is the most common cause of hair loss, such as unemployment, marital crisis, etc. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary tumors and other diseases that may cause hormone imbalance, taking certain drugs (such as birth control pills, antidepressants, etc.) may also cause hair loss.

Hair becomes brittle and malnourished

Hair is dry, brittle, or severely bifurcated, and it is a healthy signal that needs attention. Since hair is mainly composed of keratin, this may mean that your body does not have enough protein or excess nutrients, and you need to replenish it in time. In addition, the lack of certain vitamins, hypothyroidism, renal insufficiency, etc., may also cause hair to be undernourished and become fragile and vulnerable. In severe cases, it is best to consult a doctor.

On the one hand, hair loss is the reason for the above. In fact, how long does it take to wash your hair?

Wash your hair a few days the most healthy

Chinese medicine advice:

1. It is best to wash your head three to four times a week. Washing your hair every day not only does not protect your hair, it can also cause damage to your hair. Because shampooing will wash away the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands, so that the scalp and hair lose the natural protective film, but it is not good for the health of the hair.

2, people who work outdoors for a long time and mental workers, you can increase the number of shampooing, in addition to regular combing, to promote blood circulation.

In general, it is best not to wash your hair before going to sleep. If you want to wash, dry it with a dry towel, then use the air tube to dry your hair before you sleep. This way, you won't catch a cold. When the hair is not dry, it falls asleep and is easy to catch a cold.

Western medicine advice:

1, it is best to wash once every other day, this is more scientific. If it is winter, you can relax for a day.

2, some people who do special work, due to hygiene requirements, still have to insist on washing their hair every day. But no matter who you clean, you should pay attention to the choice of shampoo when cleaning the head, avoid using alkaline shampoo, it is best to add conditioner.

The tangled hair can be combed open, combed slowly from the end of the hair, and then combed from the root to the end. Even the head can be turned down and combed from the head of the head to make the hair smooth and improve blood circulation. , do cleaning work to get twice the result with half the effort!

Shampoo is like skin care. It must be done from the basic cleaning work. The complete cleaning work can remove the substances that hinder the absorption of nutrients, and the subsequent nourishing action can be effectively absorbed.

First, put the shampoo on the palm of your hand, apply it to the hair after blistering, wash it from the hair root to the end of the hair, and let the hair hang down naturally. Use your fingertips to gently massage the scalp, back and forth two or three times. Rinse slowly with flowing mild water. Do not use too hot hot water, which will cause excessive dryness of the scalp.

Hair conditioner has a repairing function, can repair damaged hair, and insulate ultraviolet rays. Do not exceed three times a week. From scalp to hair tip, break into all parts of hair and rinse with water. After washing, use a wide-toothed comb to comb from the head to the end of the hair, and wrap the head with a towel to allow the moisturizing ingredients of the conditioner to fully play.

Why do people lose their hair?

Hair has its own lifespan, grows to a certain length, and its life is over. It is old and dead, and it will naturally fall off. This is a normal phenomenon. Hair loss in this case is available to anyone, and it is often.

Abnormal hair loss is due to the influence of hair growth. The growth of hair requires nutrition, and nutrition is transported by blood. If a person is sick for a long time, his body is weak, his blood is not enough, his body is poorly nutritious, and his hair will fall short due to lack of nutrition and poor growth. Such people are prone to losing hair and losing more. After having a serious illness in your life, the hair may have fallen off, which may be the reason.

People use excessive brains, or often have a lot of trouble, boredom, or something, the spirit is too tight, the brain is greatly stimulated, and sometimes it also affects the supply and growth of hair nutrition. Because all activities of the human body are brain tubes, the brain is stimulated, the activity is chaotic, and it cannot function normally. It is necessary to stimulate the body's nutrition and cause hair loss. Some people encounter something too excited, the brain is strongly stimulated, the spirit is very abnormal, sometimes the hair on the head is taken off overnight, people say that it is "ghost shaving", in fact, it is so Lost.

Hair growth originally has a cycle of growth and aging, and natural physiological hair loss actually occurs every day. But there are also some hair loss caused by morbid factors. For young people, the more common is the round baldness, also known as the “ghost shaving”. This is a kind of pressure, emotion, which causes a hair in a block of a scalp to suddenly enter the end of growth and suddenly fall out. In this type of condition, the hair can resume growth within three to five months after treatment.

The reason for hair loss is related to nutrition. It is also related to mental stress or sudden mental stimulation. You can check blood trace elements, and you should not always be in a state of mental stress. You can often use ginger to wipe the hair in the place where the hair is lost, which can promote hair growth, diet and nutrition should be comprehensive, eat more hard shell food, eat some black sesame seeds properly!

enough sleep

Sufficient sleep can promote the normal metabolism of skin and hair, and the metabolic period is mainly at night, especially between 10 pm and 2 am. During this period of sleep, the normal metabolism of hair can be achieved. Conversely, hair metabolism and nutrients are out of balance and will cause hair loss.

Recommendation: Try to sleep for no less than 6 hours a day, and develop a habit of regular sleep. Pay attention to diet and nutrition, eat foods rich in protein and trace elements, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy and sugary foods.

Avoid excessive damage

Hair dyeing, perming and hair blowing will cause certain damage to the hair; hair dye and perm solution will have a greater impact on the hair. If the number of times is too high, the hair will lose its luster and elasticity, and even yellow and dry; the ultraviolet rays in sunlight will Damage to the hair causes the hair to turn dry and yellow; the warm and humid air and cold air of the air conditioner can cause hair loss and white hair. The air is too dry or the humidity is too high to protect the hair.

Recommendation: Hair dyeing and perm interval should be at least 3-6 months. In the summer, avoid sun exposure, and pay more attention to protection during swimming and sunbathing.

Shampoo and comb

It can be 3 to 7 times a week in the summer and 1 to 3 times a week in the winter. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C when washing the hair, and it is close to the body temperature of 37 °C. Do not use strong degreasing or alkaline shampoos, because these shampoos are very strong in degreasing and dehydrating, easy to dry hair and scalp necrosis.

Recommendation: Use an acid-free natural shampoo that is non-irritating to the scalp and hair, or use it according to your hair. Instead of a plastic comb, it is best to use a boxwood comb and a bristle brush to remove dandruff and massage the scalp to promote blood circulation.

Maintain mental health

Anxiety every day can lead to hair loss, the deeper the degree of depression, the faster the rate of hair loss.

Recommendation: For women, keeping the proper amount of exercise, the hair will be black and full of vitality. Men often take deep breaths, walks, and do gymnastics to eliminate mental fatigue on the day.

In addition, the pets in the family are prone to mold infections. If you like to sleep with the pets, it is easy to cause scalp infection, red, itchy, desquamation and hair loss. In addition, there is a fat that occurs in the scalp. Leaky dermatitis, symptoms similar to head lice, but no hair loss.

In fact, it may be male baldness. I want to know if my hair is falling a lot. There is a very simple "pull hair experiment"; people can gently pull their hair six or eight times, and then look at each pull down. There are more than three hairs. If there is, it means that the hair follicles are relatively fragile and should be paid more attention.

Hair loss must be diagnosed by pathological or physiological factors. If you are worried about health problems, it is best to ask a professional dermatologist to help diagnose. If your scalp is greasy, it is recommended to use a refreshing shampoo. Improve hair quality.

The main symptoms of hair loss are greasy hair, like rubbing oil, but also scorching, lack of luster, light yellow scales fixed difficult to remove, or gray scales flying, consciously itching. If the male is hair loss, mainly the front and the top of the head, the forehead's FUE hair Methods  and horns move up, the hair on the front and top is sparse, yellow, soft, and finally the top of the forehead is bare or some hair; the female hair loss at the top of the head The hair becomes sparse, but it does not fall off completely.

Chinese medicine believes that this disease has two reasons: First, blood heat and wind dryness, blood heat is partial, blood damage is irritated, blood and tiger are windy, and it is more yin and blood. Yin blood can't go up to the top of the dome to raise hair roots, hair roots dry up, or The spleen and stomach are damp and hot, the spleen is weak and the spleen is weak, and the gluten is rich and fat, and the stomach is damaged by the spleen, causing steaming and sputum on the damp heat, eroding the hair roots, the hair roots are gradually corroded, and the hair is sticky and falling off. .

Method of preventing hair loss

1: prevent baldness from combing in the morning and evening

Do you have a habit of combing your hair very well in the morning and evening? Each morning and evening, each hair is combed a hundred times, which can stimulate the scalp to improve the ventilation between the hair. Since the scalp is a place that is prone to sweating, diligent combing may help prevent baldness and dandruff. It is best for us to spend a little thought on our hair to keep our hair moist.

2: Prevent baldness - change the direction of the comb

If the direction of the hair is kept the same, the place where the hair is sewn apart will be particularly dry or thinned due to the often exposed sunlight. If the separate areas begin to thin, massage the hair and moisturize the already dried scalp. Sometimes you can change the direction of separation, not only can enjoy the hair style, but also can avoid the dryness of the separation, which leads to the trouble of baldness.

It is best for people with thin hair to perform head massage because people with thin hair or bald heads are better at head massage and promote blood circulation. Massage can soften hair, increase metabolism and promote hair growth. The method of massage is to rub your fingers or tighten your hair. Before the massage, rub the oil on the scalp to improve the effect. Outside, using a brush made of a brush, pats the scalp at a right angle every day.

3: Method of treating thin hair

People with acidic constitution, or lack of certain nutrients and calcium in the body, are always weak and thin. Such people should eat more tender kelp buds, kelp, cheese, milk, raw vegetables and so on. At the same time, the scalp is massaged every day to stimulate the scalp and promote blood circulation.

4: shampoo and massage to prevent hair loss

When the blood circulation in the head is poor, hair loss occurs. To prevent hair loss, keep the hair roots clean. Shampoo should be washed with a weak acid shampoo (do not use excessive amount). After the silk is finished, apply a little water to shrink the hair roots. Usually you need to apply hair or hair oil on the scalp, massage and stimulate.

5: Treatment of hair loss food

Excessive intake of sugar and salt or animal fat is harmful to the circulation of blood. Such people should drink plenty of water or eat more vegetables. Foods rich in iron, lean meat, egg protein, spinach, cabbage, celery, fruit, etc. are the best therapeutic foods. For people with hair loss or baldness, the scalp has hardened. The above food helps to soften the scalp

How to prevent hair loss in autumn and winter?

There are many reasons for hair loss. The most common is seasonal hair loss. In the whole year, the hair loss in autumn is the most serious. Hair loss has a relationship with heredity, endocrine, infection, autoimmune function, mental factors and nutritional status. For example, the hair loss on the head of the middle-aged and the elderly is caused by the hot and steamed erosion of the hair roots caused by eating greasy spicy food. Hair loss caused by kidney deficiency is more common in frail elderly people, with dry hair and a lot of shedding. The following measures should be taken in the fall to prevent or reduce hair loss.

1. First of all, pay attention to supplement nutrition

Eat more minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins A, B, C and foods containing more protein, such as fish, soybeans, eggs, lean meat, etc., rich in protein, and seaweeds rich in trace elements. Shellfish, vitamin B2, B6, spinach, asparagus, banana, pig liver, etc. are good for protecting hair and delaying aging. Keeping the stool smooth is beneficial to normal hair growth.Anemia

Experts say that iron supplementation can help to improve the symptoms of anemia. Lack of vitamin C, intake of caffeine or alcoholic beverages are not conducive to iron absorption. It is recommended to drink juice and eat iron-rich foods to restore hair growth.

2. Eating disorders

Reducing food intake can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the scalp, which in turn affects the normal growth of the hair. In severe cases, it can cause the hair to lose its luster or even fall off. Experts say that hair loss is rarely permanent, but maintaining a balanced diet and eating more protein is critical to preventing hair loss. Hair is made up of protein. When the hair follicle protein is at its lowest value, it is especially important to take more protein (especially breakfast). In addition, the diet should be rich in vitamins (especially B vitamins), zinc and important fatty acids.

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are caused by high androgen, and the symptoms of hair thinning occur on the forehead and the top of the head. Most of this happens in patients with a family history of hair loss. Experts say that the patient has lost hair on his head, but his face and body hair will grow wild. Drugs that reduce androgen and scalp massage that promote blood flow all contribute to the health of the patient's hair growth.

4. Thyroid disease

The first symptom of thyroid dysfunction is hair loss. Excessive or too little thyroid hormone can affect metabolism and normal hair growth. Since all hair follicles are affected, hair loss is not a local phenomenon. Experts say that drugs and other treatments can help alleviate the disease. In order to restore the hair to the original, it is best to take more protein and make a head massage every morning.

5. Pressure syndrome

Stress will cause Huafa to live early. When the pressure is high, the body releases a variety of hormones, which will affect the absorption of B vitamins and affect hair pigmentation. Stress syndrome can lead to alopecia -- the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the scalp cells, causing large pieces of hair to fall off. Psychological relaxation and taking multivitamin B can improve the problem of early gray hair.

Health tips, health from the hair

Poor gloss may be hypothyroidism

If the original thick and moist hair becomes thin and soft and loses its luster, you can first check if you are exposed to substances that may damage your hair, such as swimming in a hypochlorinated swimming pool, perming hair, etc. . After excluding these factors, poor hair gloss may indicate hypothyroidism and slower metabolism. If accompanied by sudden weight gain, unexplained fatigue, cold, etc., it is even more important to be alert to hypothyroidism. It is recommended to detect thyroid function in time.

Large amount of dandruff immune damage

Normal dandruff is easily removed by daily maintenance methods such as anti-dandruff shampoo and shampoo. However, if the dandruff becomes thicker and harder and accumulates like a shed skin, be aware of any immune system diseases. For example, psoriasis (commonly known as "psoriasis"), it will make the superficial skin hyperplasia and accelerate the shedding. In addition, similar problems can occur in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.

Hair loss is too much stress

Ordinary people lose about 100 to 300 hairs per day, and this shedding does not cause the hair to become thinner. However, if the hair is obviously thin, or there is a large amount of falling off the block, it is necessary to pay attention. Excessive stress is the most common cause of hair loss, such as unemployment, marital crisis, etc. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary tumors and other diseases that may cause hormone imbalance, taking certain drugs (such as birth control pills, antidepressants, etc.) may also cause hair loss.

Hair becomes brittle and malnourished

Hair is dry, brittle, or severely bifurcated, and it is a healthy signal that needs attention. Since hair is mainly composed of keratin, this may mean that your body does not have enough protein or excess nutrients, and you need to replenish it in time. In addition, the lack of certain vitamins, hypothyroidism, renal insufficiency, etc., may also cause hair to be undernourished and become fragile and vulnerable. In severe cases, it is best to consult a doctor.

On the one hand, hair loss is the reason for the above. In fact, how long does it take to wash your hair?

Wash your hair a few days the most healthy

Chinese medicine advice:

1. It is best to wash your head three to four times a week. Washing your hair every day not only does not protect your hair, it can also cause damage to your hair. Because shampooing will wash away the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands, so that the scalp and hair lose the natural protective film, but it is not good for the health of the hair.

2, people who work outdoors for a long time and mental workers, you can increase the number of shampooing, in addition to regular combing, to promote blood circulation.

In general, it is best not to wash your hair before going to sleep. If you want to wash, dry it with a dry towel, then use the air tube to dry your hair before you sleep. This way, you won't catch a cold. When the hair is not dry, it falls asleep and is easy to catch a cold.

Western medicine advice:

1, it is best to wash once every other day, this is more scientific. If it is winter, you can relax for a day.

2, some people who do special work, due to hygiene requirements, still have to insist on washing their hair every day. But no matter who you clean, you should pay attention to the choice of shampoo when cleaning the head, avoid using alkaline shampoo, it is best to add conditioner.

The tangled hair can be combed open, combed slowly from the end of the hair, and then combed from the root to the end. Even the head can be turned down and combed from the head of the head to make the hair smooth and improve blood circulation. , do cleaning work to get twice the result with half the effort!

Shampoo is like skin care. It must be done from the basic cleaning work. The complete cleaning work can remove the substances that hinder the absorption of nutrients, and the subsequent nourishing action can be effectively absorbed.

First, put the shampoo on the palm of your hand, apply it to the hair after blistering, wash it from the hair root to the end of the hair, and let the hair hang down naturally. Use your fingertips to gently massage the scalp, back and forth two or three times. Rinse slowly with flowing mild water. Do not use too hot hot water, which will cause excessive dryness of the scalp.

Hair conditioner has a repairing function, can repair damaged hair, and insulate ultraviolet rays. Do not exceed three times a week. From scalp to hair tip, break into all parts of hair and rinse with water. After washing, use a wide-toothed comb to comb from the head to the end of the hair, and wrap the head with a towel to allow the moisturizing ingredients of the conditioner to fully play.

Why do people lose their hair?

Hair has its own lifespan, grows to a certain length, and its life is over. It is old and dead, and it will naturally fall off. This is a normal phenomenon. Hair loss in this case is available to anyone, and it is often.

Abnormal hair loss is due to the influence of hair growth. The growth of hair requires nutrition, and nutrition is transported by blood. If a person is sick for a long time, his body is weak, his blood is not enough, his body is poorly nutritious, and his hair will fall short due to lack of nutrition and poor growth. Such people are prone to losing hair and losing more. After having a serious illness in your life, the hair may have fallen off, which may be the reason.

People use excessive brains, or often have a lot of trouble, boredom, or something, the spirit is too tight, the brain is greatly stimulated, and sometimes it also affects the supply and growth of hair nutrition. Because all activities of the human body are brain tubes, the brain is stimulated, the activity is chaotic, and it cannot function normally. It is necessary to stimulate the body's nutrition and cause hair loss. Some people encounter something too excited, the brain is strongly stimulated, the spirit is very abnormal, sometimes the hair on the head is taken off overnight, people say that it is "ghost shaving", in fact, it is so Lost.

Hair growth originally has a cycle of growth and aging, and natural physiological hair loss actually occurs every day. But there are also some hair loss caused by morbid factors. For young people, the more common is the round baldness, also known as the “ghost shaving”. This is a kind of pressure, emotion, which causes a hair in a block of a scalp to suddenly enter the end of growth and suddenly fall out. In this type of condition, the hair can resume growth within three to five months after treatment.

The reason for hair loss is related to nutrition. It is also related to mental stress or sudden mental stimulation. You can check blood trace elements, and you should not always be in a state of mental stress. You can often use ginger to wipe the hair in the place where the hair is lost, which can promote hair growth, diet and nutrition should be comprehensive, eat more hard shell food, eat some black sesame seeds properly!

enough sleep

Sufficient sleep can promote the normal metabolism of skin and hair, and the metabolic period is mainly at night, especially between 10 pm and 2 am. During this period of sleep, the normal metabolism of hair can be achieved. Conversely, hair metabolism and nutrients are out of balance and will cause hair loss.

Recommendation: Try to sleep for no less than 6 hours a day, and develop a habit of regular sleep. Pay attention to diet and nutrition, eat foods rich in protein and trace elements, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy and sugary foods.

Avoid excessive damage

Hair dyeing, perming and hair blowing will cause certain damage to the hair; hair dye and perm solution will have a greater impact on the hair. If the number of times is too high, the hair will lose its luster and elasticity, and even yellow and dry; the ultraviolet rays in sunlight will Damage to the hair causes the hair to turn dry and yellow; the warm and humid air and cold air of the air conditioner can cause hair loss and white hair. The air is too dry or the humidity is too high to protect the hair.

Recommendation: Hair dyeing and perm interval should be at least 3-6 months. In the summer, avoid sun exposure, and pay more attention to protection during swimming and sunbathing.

Shampoo and comb

It can be 3 to 7 times a week in the summer and 1 to 3 times a week in the winter. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C when washing the hair, and it is close to the body temperature of 37 °C. Do not use strong degreasing or alkaline shampoos, because these shampoos are very strong in degreasing and dehydrating, easy to dry hair and scalp necrosis.

Recommendation: Use an acid-free natural shampoo that is non-irritating to the scalp and hair, or use it according to your hair. Instead of a plastic comb, it is best to use a boxwood comb and a bristle brush to remove dandruff and massage the scalp to promote blood circulation.

Maintain mental health

Anxiety every day can lead to hair loss, the deeper the degree of depression, the faster the rate of hair loss.

Recommendation: For women, keeping the proper amount of exercise, the hair will be black and full of vitality. Men often take deep breaths, walks, and do gymnastics to eliminate mental fatigue on the day.

In addition, the pets in the family are prone to mold infections. If you like to sleep with the pets, it is easy to cause scalp infection, red, itchy, desquamation and hair loss. In addition, there is a fat that occurs in the scalp. Leaky dermatitis, symptoms similar to head lice, but no hair loss.

In fact, it may be male baldness. I want to know if my hair is falling a lot. There is a very simple "pull hair experiment"; people can gently pull their hair six or eight times, and then look at each pull down. There are more than three hairs. If there is, it means that the hair follicles are relatively fragile and should be paid more attention.

Hair loss must be diagnosed by pathological or physiological factors. If you are worried about health problems, it is best to ask a professional dermatologist to help diagnose. If your scalp is greasy, it is recommended to use a refreshing shampoo. Improve hair quality.

The main symptoms of hair loss are greasy hair, like rubbing oil, but also scorching, lack of luster, light yellow scales fixed difficult to remove, or gray scales flying, consciously itching. If the male is hair loss, mainly the front and the top of the head, the forehead's hairline and horns move up, the hair on the front and top is sparse, yellow, soft, and finally the top of the forehead is bare or some hair; the female hair loss at the top of the head The hair becomes sparse, but it does not fall off completely.

Chinese medicine believes that this disease has two reasons: First, blood heat and wind dryness, blood heat is partial, blood damage is irritated, blood and tiger are windy, and it is more yin and blood. Yin blood can't go up to the top of the dome to raise hair roots, hair roots dry up, or The spleen and stomach are damp and hot, the spleen is weak and the spleen is weak, and the gluten is rich and fat, and the stomach is damaged by the spleen, causing steaming and sputum on the damp heat, eroding the hair roots, the hair roots are gradually corroded, and the hair is sticky and falling off. .

Method of preventing hair loss

1: prevent baldness from combing in the morning and evening

Do you have a habit of combing your hair very well in the morning and evening? Each morning and evening, each hair is combed a hundred times, which can stimulate the scalp to improve the ventilation between the hair. Since the scalp is a place that is prone to sweating, diligent combing may help prevent baldness and dandruff. It is best for us to spend a little thought on our hair to keep our hair moist.

2: Prevent baldness - change the direction of the comb

If the direction of the hair is kept the same, the place where the hair is sewn apart will be particularly dry or thinned due to the often exposed sunlight. If the separate areas begin to thin, massage the hair and moisturize the already dried scalp. Sometimes you can change the direction of separation, not only can enjoy the hair style, but also can avoid the dryness of the separation, which leads to the trouble of baldness.

It is best for people with thin hair to perform head massage because people with thin hair or bald heads are better at head massage and promote blood circulation. Massage can soften hair, increase metabolism and promote hair growth. The method of massage is to rub your fingers or tighten your hair. Before the massage, rub the oil on the scalp to improve the effect. Outside, using a brush made of a brush, pats the scalp at a right angle every day.

3: Method of treating thin hair

People with acidic constitution, or lack of certain nutrients and calcium in the body, are always weak and thin. Such people should eat more tender kelp buds, kelp, cheese, milk, raw vegetables and so on. At the same time, the scalp is massaged every day to stimulate the scalp and promote blood circulation.

4: shampoo and massage to prevent hair loss

When the blood circulation in the head is poor, hair loss occurs. To prevent hair loss, keep the hair roots clean. Shampoo should be washed with a weak acid shampoo (do not use excessive amount). After the silk is finished, apply a little water to shrink the hair roots. Usually you need to apply hair or hair oil on the scalp, massage and stimulate.

5: Treatment of hair loss food

Excessive intake of sugar and salt or animal fat is harmful to the circulation of blood. Such people should drink plenty of water or eat more vegetables. Foods rich in iron, lean meat, egg protein, spinach, cabbage, celery, fruit, etc. are the best therapeutic foods. For people with hair loss or baldness, the scalp has hardened. The above food helps to soften the scalp

How to prevent hair loss in autumn and winter?

There are many reasons for hair loss. The most common is seasonal hair loss. In the whole year, the hair loss in autumn is the most serious. Hair loss has a relationship with heredity, endocrine, infection, autoimmune function, mental factors and nutritional status. For example, the hair loss on the head of the middle-aged and the elderly is caused by the hot and steamed erosion of the hair roots caused by eating greasy spicy food. Hair loss caused by kidney deficiency is more common in frail elderly people, with dry hair and a lot of shedding. The following measures should be taken in the fall to prevent or reduce hair loss.

1. First of all, pay attention to supplement nutrition

Eat more minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins A, B, C and foods containing more protein, such as fish, soybeans, eggs, lean meat, etc., rich in protein, and seaweeds rich in trace elements. Shellfish, vitamin B2, B6, spinach, asparagus, banana, pig liver, etc. are good for protecting hair and delaying aging. Keeping the stool smooth is beneficial to normal hair growth.


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